
フランスの科学者がAllegre氏がキリマンジャロと温暖化の関係を否定する記事を書いている。http://epw.senate.gov/fact.cfm?party=rep&id=264835 この科学者はフランスの社会党で活発に活動する元公務員。100以上の科学的記事を書いている。本も10冊以上。 また幾つかの科学に関する賞状ももらっている:
Allegre has authored more than 100 scientific articles, written 11 books and received numerous scientific awards including the Goldschmidt Medal from the Geochemical Society of the United States.
1992年にAllegre氏は人間が環境に及ぼす危機についての宣言に署名した1500人の科学者の一人だ。http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~sai/sciwarn.html Allegre氏は政治的にも科学的にも”保守思想”といえる人ではない。

During the same fortnight, we have seen Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s stunning photographs showing the vanishing ice cap of Mount Kilimanjaro, and we have immediately heard the same old story about global warming and read in Science magazine an important paper co-authored by several distinguished glaciologists which showed that glacier mass balance in Antarctica has not changed during the past thirty years[1]. There is a general consensus among specialists on one point: if widespread global warming occurs, it will be experienced more intensely near the poles than at the equator. Yet, these authors explain that we can observe a massive retreat of glacial ice in some places on the Antarctic continent while there is also a thickening of ice sheets in other places.


So, the question that arises is whether there is climate warming or not? The argument that builds upon the retreating white cap of Kilimanjaro seems implacable. The retreating white cap is observable, tangible. Indeed, but things are not as straightforward as they seem. The gradual retreat of the snows of Kilimanjaro is often imputed to local phenomena, the main one of these being desertification in East Africa. In a recent issue of Science magazine, French researchers have shown that this desertification was in a large measure due to tectonic activities responsible for the gradual uplift of the African continent, thereby inducing a reorganization of atmospheric circulation. Greenhouse effect plays no significant role in these processes.


Following the month of August experienced by the northern half of France, the prophets of doom of global warming will have a lot on their plate in order to make our fellow countrymen swallow their certitudes. In all likelihood, there is a climate change, but the latter is characterized more by sudden shifts, both in space and time (the heat wave or the “rotten summer”, just like the violent tornadoes or the increased frequency of floods, are examples of these) than by global warming. The cause of this climate change is unknown. Is it man? Is it nature?


Glaciers’ chronicles or historical archives point to the fact that climate is a capricious phenomena. This fact is confirmed by mathematical meteorological theories. So, let us be cautious. But the exposure of man’s responsibility as regards global warming allows us to sit idly by (the effect of the measures advocated will be felt only in half a century!). On the other hand, the crusade against extreme theories can be led with tangible results! However, as this is not fashionable, we choose to remain passive. In the meanwhile, the ecology of helpless protesting has become a very lucrative business for some people!






mikerosstky について

日本生まれ、日本育ちの元アメリカ人 完ぺきではない日本語を使って、保守思想をベースにブログを。
カテゴリー: 温暖化 パーマリンク

キリマンジャロと温暖化 への2件のフィードバック

  1. Unknown より:

    "「地球温暖化」は、地球規模の気候の変動をもたらします。陸、海を問わず、世界全体の環境が受ける影響ははかり知れません。WWFは現在、温暖化を引き起こす二酸化炭素などの排出を抑え、地球の平均気温の上昇を、産業革命以前のレベルに比べて2℃未満に抑えることを目標にした活動を行なっています。"WWFジャパンhttp://www.wwf.or.jp/activity/climate/index.htmWWF Mission StatementTo stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by:conserving the world’s biological diversity ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption. http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/who_we_are/index.cfm
    Anti-environmental efforts are nonsense!!真魚

  2. MikeRossTky より:

    The global average surface temperature has increased by 0.6 ± 0.2°C3 since the late 19th century. http://www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/012.htm#b1
    WWFジャパンの目標の2度未満って後100年たっても今のペースではたどり着かない。2酸化炭素が温暖化のメインの原因としても、今後増える2酸化炭素の温暖化に関わる影響は減るとされている。(The relationship between CO2 and impact on warming of the atmosphere is logarithmic.)WWFジャパンはなにを行って"目標”を?
    WWFはAnimal Rights団体に乗っ取られた組織ですからね。Animal Rightsについてはこの記事をどうぞ。http://www.guardian.co.uk/frontpage/story/0,,1967392,00.html
